Touring Car Legends

Cars from two fabulous periods of touring car racing ranging from the 1970s through to the early 1990s will have a new home for 2024 following the launch of HSCC Touring Car Legends.

Touring Car Legends from the Historic Sports Car Club will be home to the Group 2 cars of the 1970s and the stunning Group A cars of the later 1980s and early 1990s.

BMW M3s, Ford Sierra Cosworths, Nissan Skylines, BMW CSLs, Ford ‘Cologne’ Capris, Chevrolet Camaros, Ford Escorts and much more will have a fantastic new race series with a high profile five-event calendar.

Each race weekend will feature a 30-minute qualifying session and a 20-minute sprint race on Saturday followed by a 40-minute feature race on Sunday, which will offer the chance of two drivers per car.

The new series will provide teams, drivers and fans with fabulous on-track action and the best possible off-track presence.


There are no upcoming events.

All cars have either a current FIA Historic Technical Passport or organisers approval that their car conforms to the period regulations.

The race is split into two podiums – Group A, and Group 2 . The Class Structure of the series is:-

Class Structure

GROUP A: 01.01.1982 – 31.12.1985

Class J1-A – Up to 1600cc

Class J1-B – 1601 – 2500cc

Class JI-C – 2501cc and above


GROUP A: 01.01.1986 – 31.12.1992

Class J2-A – Up to 1600cc

Class J2-B – 1601 – 2500cc

Class J2-C – 2501cc and above

Class J2-D – 2501cc and above with four wheel drive


GROUP 2: 01.01.1970 – 31.12.1981

Class G2-A – up to 1300cc

Class G2-B – 1301 – 2000cc

Class G2-C – 2001cc and above



Cars of Historic interest accepted at the organisers discretion.

Turbo Charged cars constructed prior to 1988 will have a coefficient of 1.4 applied to their capacity.

Turbo Charged cars constructed from 1 January 1988 onwards will have a coefficient of 1.7 applied to their capacity.




awaiting publication


awaiting publication

Race Reports

awaiting publication