Respected official Kevin Moore has joined the Historic Sports Car Club team with the specific role of being the Registrar for Historic Technical Passports (HTPs). He will also take a lead in eligibility scrutineering for Historic Formula 2 and the Derek Bell Trophy.

With more than 45 years’ experience in the sport at all levels and across disciplines, Moore has a wealth of experience to draw on in his new role and has access to a large resource and database of historical records. Kevin’s experience and skill set covers all categories of cars, from clubman race and rally cars right through to Formula 1.

Moore is looking forward to the task of securing successful HTP documentation approval for all HSCC competitors and preparers, though his role will particularly focus on Historic F2 and the Derek Bell Trophy. In addition to the HTP role, Moore will also be signing off Vehicle Identity Form (VIF) applications and is happy to help competitors with these as required.

Moore said: “I’m looking forward to meeting and working with HSCC racers throughout the season. One of my aims is to minimise the need for input from competitors after the initial inspection has been carried out.”

Andy Dee-Crowne, CEO of the HSCC, said: “We’re delighted to welcome Kevin to the HSCC scrutineering and eligibility team. His presence will further strengthen our squad and help smooth the process of historic documents for our competitors across the range of classes.”